RSVP • RSVP • RSVP • RSVPPlease fill out the form below by July 1st, 2025, to confirm your attendance at our wedding. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Will you be attending the wedding? * Yes No What is your plus one's full name? (invite only please) Do you (or your plus-one) have any dietary restrictions? Please specify the name & restriction below. Will you be joining us for the welcome party on Friday night? * Location: Duffy's Sports Grill Time: 6pm - 10pm EST Absolutely! Can't make it. I plan to stop by! How are you planning to celebrate with us? Extended Stay Full Weekend Wedding Day only What’s on your Jupiter itinerary? Beach lounging and umbrella drinks. Snapping photos to pretend I live here. Trying all the seafood on the coast. Asking if there’s an after-party for the after-party. Married couples, what was your first dance song at your wedding? 💃🕺✨ Thank you! We can’t wait to see you in Jupiter!